Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Bison Chilli

Bison is a healthy option for many reasons. Because bison packs lots of protein and has very little fat content, your body will work harder to process the lean proteins. The end result is a boost in metabolism which kick-starts the fat burning process. Another benefit of bison is its large source of iron. Adding more iron to your diet will help in the prevention of anemia.

2 lbs ground buffalo
1 medium onion (diced)
2 teaspoons garlic (minced)
1medium green, yellow or red bell pepper (diced)
1/2 cup of corn
1/2 cup mushroom (diced)
40 ounces kidney beans
3-4 finely chopped tomatoes w/liquid
2 stalks celery (diced)
2 tablespoons chili powder
1 1/2 - 2 cups water
1 teaspoon dried oregano
1 teaspoon paprika
1/2 cup apple cider vinegar
Add salt and pepper to taste  

Cooking Directions 1. In a large pot, saute meat, garlic, onion, and pepper. 2. Wait for meat to brown and then lower heat to medium or low. 3. Add tomatoes and then the rest of the ingredients. 3. Stir ingredients every few minutes to ensure nothing burn on the bottom of the pot. 4. After about 1.5 - 2 hours, the chili should be ready to serve.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Fitness Tip

Prepare your meals ahead of time. Doing so will ensure that you are not rushed for time and stopping for fast food out of convenience. Instead, enjoy a healthy meal and save on gas money.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Walking And Weight Loss. Walking To Lose Weight Fast?

So you need to shed a few pounds and decided that walking is they way you're going to get there?
Maybe you are unable to jog or run? Maybe cycling isn't your cup of tea or maybe you just see walking as an easy form of exercise? Whatever your reason is, here are some things to consider.
  1. Walking at a moderate pace (3 mph) for 60 minutes only burns about 280 calories.
  2. If you walk 5 times a week (280 x 5) you would only burn 1400.
  3. You have to burn approximately 3500 calories in order to lose 1 pound of weight.

Is Walking The Way To Go?

As you can see by the list above, it would take about 12 to 13 days to lose one pound of weight just by walking alone. Of course this is only true if you are watching what you eat and are not over eating.

The best strategy would be to incorporate a simple calorie burning diet and the same time that would allow you to burn calories faster. In addition, I would recommend adding a more advanced cardio exercise routine if you are able to do so. Running, jogging, swimming, cycling, aerobics, and elliptical are all great ways to burn more calories.

I recommend using  The site is easy to use. Not only does it allow you to monitor your calories but it also allows you to input your cardio program as well.

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Saturday, November 19, 2011

Proper Running Form

So you've decided to start a cardio routine and you want to incorporate running into the mix?  Maybe it's been a long time and you're not really sure about proper running form. Or maybe you've never really been a runner at all.

This article aims to give you some of the most common pointers when it comes to running.

Posture, Posture, Posture
When I was in elementry school, I used to have a teacher that would tell me to quit slouching. She would make me stand up straight, head up and shoulders high.  Ironically that same advice applies to running. Having correct posture will ensure that you do not hurt yourself and it will allow you to not tire so easily.

Elbows at 90 Degrees
You elbows should stay at 90 degrees by your side in an up and down motion. Do not go side to side. Going side to side will exert unnecessary energy. Energy you will need later on.

Hands Cupped But Not In A Fist
Again, this deals with exerting excess energy. Your hands should be relaxed.

Do what feels Natural 
Running is a lot like many things we do in life. Do what feels natural. If you change your natural stride, you stand a chance of causing yourself problems later down the road. The last thing you want is to be put out of commission or worse end up needing surgery.

Spend Money On Good Running Shoes
When you run, your feet should be as comfortable as possible. I prefer Asics Running Shoes. They are fairly expensive in comparison to some other brands but they are worth the extra money.  I also prefer adding padded insoles.

Be Careful
Please be careful and don't overdue it. You are not going to be a marathon runner overnight if it has been years since your last run. Also, if you have health issues, please consult a physician before you start any exercise program.

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