Saturday, November 19, 2011

Proper Running Form

So you've decided to start a cardio routine and you want to incorporate running into the mix?  Maybe it's been a long time and you're not really sure about proper running form. Or maybe you've never really been a runner at all.

This article aims to give you some of the most common pointers when it comes to running.

Posture, Posture, Posture
When I was in elementry school, I used to have a teacher that would tell me to quit slouching. She would make me stand up straight, head up and shoulders high.  Ironically that same advice applies to running. Having correct posture will ensure that you do not hurt yourself and it will allow you to not tire so easily.

Elbows at 90 Degrees
You elbows should stay at 90 degrees by your side in an up and down motion. Do not go side to side. Going side to side will exert unnecessary energy. Energy you will need later on.

Hands Cupped But Not In A Fist
Again, this deals with exerting excess energy. Your hands should be relaxed.

Do what feels Natural 
Running is a lot like many things we do in life. Do what feels natural. If you change your natural stride, you stand a chance of causing yourself problems later down the road. The last thing you want is to be put out of commission or worse end up needing surgery.

Spend Money On Good Running Shoes
When you run, your feet should be as comfortable as possible. I prefer Asics Running Shoes. They are fairly expensive in comparison to some other brands but they are worth the extra money.  I also prefer adding padded insoles.

Be Careful
Please be careful and don't overdue it. You are not going to be a marathon runner overnight if it has been years since your last run. Also, if you have health issues, please consult a physician before you start any exercise program.

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