Saturday, November 26, 2011

Walking And Weight Loss. Walking To Lose Weight Fast?

So you need to shed a few pounds and decided that walking is they way you're going to get there?
Maybe you are unable to jog or run? Maybe cycling isn't your cup of tea or maybe you just see walking as an easy form of exercise? Whatever your reason is, here are some things to consider.
  1. Walking at a moderate pace (3 mph) for 60 minutes only burns about 280 calories.
  2. If you walk 5 times a week (280 x 5) you would only burn 1400.
  3. You have to burn approximately 3500 calories in order to lose 1 pound of weight.

Is Walking The Way To Go?

As you can see by the list above, it would take about 12 to 13 days to lose one pound of weight just by walking alone. Of course this is only true if you are watching what you eat and are not over eating.

The best strategy would be to incorporate a simple calorie burning diet and the same time that would allow you to burn calories faster. In addition, I would recommend adding a more advanced cardio exercise routine if you are able to do so. Running, jogging, swimming, cycling, aerobics, and elliptical are all great ways to burn more calories.

I recommend using  The site is easy to use. Not only does it allow you to monitor your calories but it also allows you to input your cardio program as well.

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Saturday, November 19, 2011

Proper Running Form

So you've decided to start a cardio routine and you want to incorporate running into the mix?  Maybe it's been a long time and you're not really sure about proper running form. Or maybe you've never really been a runner at all.

This article aims to give you some of the most common pointers when it comes to running.

Posture, Posture, Posture
When I was in elementry school, I used to have a teacher that would tell me to quit slouching. She would make me stand up straight, head up and shoulders high.  Ironically that same advice applies to running. Having correct posture will ensure that you do not hurt yourself and it will allow you to not tire so easily.

Elbows at 90 Degrees
You elbows should stay at 90 degrees by your side in an up and down motion. Do not go side to side. Going side to side will exert unnecessary energy. Energy you will need later on.

Hands Cupped But Not In A Fist
Again, this deals with exerting excess energy. Your hands should be relaxed.

Do what feels Natural 
Running is a lot like many things we do in life. Do what feels natural. If you change your natural stride, you stand a chance of causing yourself problems later down the road. The last thing you want is to be put out of commission or worse end up needing surgery.

Spend Money On Good Running Shoes
When you run, your feet should be as comfortable as possible. I prefer Asics Running Shoes. They are fairly expensive in comparison to some other brands but they are worth the extra money.  I also prefer adding padded insoles.

Be Careful
Please be careful and don't overdue it. You are not going to be a marathon runner overnight if it has been years since your last run. Also, if you have health issues, please consult a physician before you start any exercise program.

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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

How Many Calories In A Slice Of Pizza

So you really want to indulge but you don't know how many calories are in a slice of pizza? Most people shy far away from certain foods when dieting. Pizza and pastas are my Achilles's heal.

We are all tempted by certain foods and I am of the school of thought that you should reward yourself at least once a week. That's not to say that you go on a binge and dive head first into a cheesecake or an entire pizza with all the works. We still need to practice discipline and moderation.

At any rate, a large slice of Dominos pepperoni pizza is going to weigh in at about 300 calories. If you're watching your calories correctly, you should be able to enjoy 2 slices in a sitting for a total of 600 calories.

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Saturday, November 12, 2011

5 Benefits Of Physical Activity

I can list more than 5 benefits of physical activity, but this is a good place to start. Staying physically active and fit seems to be on the minds of everyone these days. I think most people hate the idea of exercise and dieting but realize that they have to do something in order to look the way they want to.

Some people are motivated to get fit by vanity, some people it's because of an ailment that causes them to react. Some are motivated by an attraction to someone and would like to get their attention.  Whatever the reason may be, we all have one.

So, why should we stay physically active?

  1. It adds years to our life. No one is guaranteed a long life but buying a new car doesn't mean it's going to be reliable either. You have to do things to maintain and vehicle and the human body is no different.
  2.  Regulates blood pressure. As we get older we are prone to sickness and health issues.
  3. Tones muscles. Whether it's walking, jogging, weight lifting or swimming, it can help us develop a more appealing physique.
  4. Fat reduction. Being over weight is a common problem. Staying active will burn extra calories.
  5. Fulfillment. More energy and feeling great promote self confident and general happiness.

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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Walk Run Jog Your Way To A Thinner You

Cardio is king when it comes to exercise and losing weight. Besides diet, there is no faster way to shed weight. Walk, run, jog, swim, play tennis, or dance are all good forms of cardio.

Exercise and diet will soon be on all our minds as we edge closer to the holiday season. After all Mom's famous dressing, mash potatoes and apple pie will light up our taste buds but it won't make us happy once we step on the scales. Cardio training would do you a world of good.

Year after year, it never fails. I see the droves of people signing up to the fitness club I go to in hopes of shedding a few pounds for their New Years resolutions. Those same people usually stop coming shortly after. It's too bad that these resolutions always have a short term shelf life applied to them when they're made.

For those of us who are serious about improving our health and keeping our weight down, there is the continued diet and exercise routines to look forward to. I love Thanksgiving and Christmas but I hate having to turn my exercise routine up a notch to lose the extra baggage. My cardio routine will be in full gear as it always is.

Why cardio?  Because cardio is the fastest way, other than diet, to burn calories. Whether you run, jog, swim or walk, it all burns calories. The more you do, the more calories you burn.  Plus it's good for the heart and circulation. 

So enjoy the holidays but remember the extra pounds aren't going anywhere unless you do something proactive about it.

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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Define Physical Fitness

What is your perception of the term physical fitness. How do you define it? If you were to start a new fitness program today how would you start? Are you unsure what is fact or fiction? If so you are not alone.

Let's start with the term itself. defines it as: the quality or state of being fit.  Kind of vague huh? I think in simple terms this means are you healthy or not? Are you over weight for you age and height? Are your muscles being used adequately? What is the state of your cardiovascular health?

Let's face it, our culture has gotten lazy. We no longer have to work for anything? It used to be that we had to hunt and gather or farm. Now we can simply drive our cars through the drive thru or to a store to get food. And what we are ingesting is no good for us. 

Being physically fit is now something we have to think about. It seems like a chore instead of a way of life. In my personal life, I've learned to reverse that way of thinking.

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Monday, October 24, 2011

What exercise burns the most belly fat?

Belly fat is so unappealing for most people. Most of us want to get rid of it but we're not really sure how. We exercise doing sit ups or crunches until we're blue in the face. As we get older it seems to only get worse and our lack of concern seems to diminish with age. I think all of us would like to sport six pack abs but the truth about getting them has been lost.

If you watch the late night infomercials, you will be inundated with a host of devices that magically transform your abs into Brad Pitt's. It seems like there is a new one every week. So what are we supposed to do?

What exercise burns the most belly fat??? Putting down the remote, the Ho Ho's and getting off the couch. Yes folks it's that simple... Get out and do something and stop feeding your face. The more cardio you can do, the better. At the same time, watch your daily calorie intake.  There are a lot of very great tools out there to help you. Look at for example. This site has been a life saver for me and it also has an excellent online community for support.

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Friday, October 21, 2011

How Many Reps Does It Take To Build Muscle?

If you do any research online or read books on body building, you will soon realize that there are a wide variety of opinions on how many reps you should do to increase muscle.  The opinions can very greatly depending on who you listen to. On top of that, there are a variety of opinions on how many sets to do.

With that being said, here is my two cents. My main goal when working out is to fatigue each muscle group that I am zeroing in on.  For example, if I am doing bicep curls, I usually do enough weight to do between 10-12 reps on my first set. The last rep should burn. 

I do two more sets with rests in between. My goal is to push another 10-12 reps. Realistically, I usually get to 6 or 7 reps on my second set and 2-3 on my last set.

The main thing to focus on is doing the exercise correctly and slowly. Too often, I see people rush through their routines. They are doing an injustice to themselves by not being a little more patient.

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Thursday, October 20, 2011

How Many Calories Are Burned Dancing?

How many calories are burned from dancing depends on the type of dance and for how long. Based on results from, an individual who weighs 150lbs will burn the following amounts per hour.
Type of Dance

For 1 Hour OF Activity

Ballet or modern, jitterbug, twist, jazz and tap 258

General dancing: Swing dancing, hula, Greek, Middle Eastern, flamenco and belly


Fast Ballroom Dancing: Line
dancing, polka, Disco, country, Irish step dancing, folk and square


Slow Ballroom: Foxtrot, waltz, chacha, slow dancing, samba, tango and mambo


Traditional American Indian dancing: Including Anishinaabe Jingle Dancing

General Fast Ballroom Dancing

As you can see, if you are interested in dance, there is a side benefit of physical fitness involved.

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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Do You Have An Eating Disorder Gerald Butler?

So Gerard Butler has joined the many celebrities who alter their weight for movie roles. Some say he looks ill or has an eating disorder. I'm sure from a body weight standpoint, he is probably where he should be. However, if you read the article from the Huffington Post, he speaks of cleansing after binge eating.

Sounds like the definition of eating disorder to me.

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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Losing Weight Fast And Naturally

Losing weight has always been a struggle for me. After a few lost months at the gym, I started back again last week. I had put added about 10lbs in those few months. I wanted to do it fast but also healthy and naturally. I started by limiting my caloric intake to 1850 per day. By my estimation, I would lose 2 pounds per week. I also started a cardio program. My goal is to burn an addition 1000 calories between running and working out.

So, I've really been watching what I eat and exercising lately. I've been watching my calories religiously everyday and I've almost always hit my marks.  Frustration soon set in because I lost almost no weight right away.

Still, I wasn't deterred. So, this morning I stepped on the scales and hallelujah I was showing a -3 based on my previous weight.

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